Support the Partnership for HOPE

The Partnership for HOPE was established in 2011 via a partnership between LifeSTEPS and AMCAL Multi-Housing. The HOPE Fund provides financial assistance to residents of AMCAL communities so that they can establish self-sufficiency, break the cycle of poverty, and forge a hope for the future. The priorities of the Partnership for HOPE are:

  • Higher education scholarships for deserving individuals
  • Fortify housing stability by providing safety net services during financial crises
  • Provide youth with opportunities to develop leadership skills through education & special projects
  • Empower adults to lead more sustainable lives by improving their employability

If you prefer to make your donation by check, please make checks payable to LifeSTEPS and mail to:
LifeSTEPS, 3247 Ramos Circle, Sacramento, CA 95827
In the memo field, please write "HOPE"

Donation Information
$ 2,500.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 500.00
$ 250.00
$ 100.00
$ 50.00
$ 25.00
Additional Information
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